HHS Light Crew Home Page
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Welcome To the HHS Light Crew Homepage
After entirely too much code red, not enough sleep, and quite a lot of boredom, I have sat down to compile the "Offical Home Page of the Hingham Highschool Lighting Crew" yeah, okay, so we're just techie dorks, doesn't make us bad people.
Site Updates!
--November 30th, 2002, 9:17 am
This website is first born into the ruthless and cold net.
--December 19th, 2002, 8:36 pm.
I just finished posting some awesome new pictures Mike Murfy took for me.
--Sunday, December 22, 2002, 9:26 AM
Posted some more pictures, started a people photo page, versus our equipment one. Once we get our crew together for Festival, we'll probably start taking some more pictures of our crew.
Hingham High School


This is our officail HHS light crew T-shirt

Current Chairs
James Merton Drew III
Shane McDonough
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