About Light Crew...well, atleast Jim an' Me
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History of our Crew
Uhhh...Way back, like, when the school first started doing plays, there was ,like, probably these complicated lighting things directors wanted, and so like, these smart techie kids like figuered it out and stuff. Yeah. Definetly. Probably. Maybe. How should I know?

James Murton Drew III
My name is Jim. I have blonde hair. I drive a black and purple Plymouth Volare with big snow tires. Blah Blah Blah. I'm a light chair. I never let Shane touch anything, because he always breaks it. He and Connor are why I can't have nice things.

Shane McDonough
I'm the so called "Web Master" of this site, as I created it. I'm the other Light Chair. I wrote Jim's bio. I don't think he knows this page exists. I have 9 1/2 fingers. Yay!

Link to the Drama Club
Official HHS Drama Club Website

ALPS is the coolest, like, even cooler than me! But maybe not as cool as Ninjas...
Advanced Lighting and Production Services