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People! Our lights are nothing without people to run them!
Unless you have some totally kick-ass intelligent lights...but people still need to set them up...unless we had robots do it...yeah, robots, thats what we need!

More pictures will be forthcomming once we have our shit together, and we have our festival crew.

Ahhh yes, Jimbo. This is a picture from his
freshman year.

Little Mike Murfy. I make him work his ass off.

This is a picture of Mike running Harold, one of our follow spots, for a dance group that rented the auditorium.

Me in action, doing what I do best. Drinking code red while playing with expsensive electronics. Being a tech rocks.

Updating our super spectacular awesome light crew web site in the green room. Yay.

This is after that dance group we did saturday. They paid me twice as much as Murfy,who did twice as much work. We managed to insinuate ourselves into the line of small children hoping to have their picture taken with Santa. He totally gave us candy canes.

More Pictures coming Soon!...well, eventually, maybe.