Lock-In Pictures
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SKAndy took pictures at the lock-in. Yay.

The Infamous SKAndy
Andy sitting in the big freezer in the teacher's dining room. Hooray for the communist flag on his left bicep.
Our Tech Tables
Our Sweet Setup. You are looking at, from left to right:

Big Speaker#1, Pile o' CDs; Monitor; Computer; Mic on desk stand (on the tower); CD player #1; Mixer #1; CD player #2; Amp#1; CD player#3; Mixer#2; Mic on straight stand#1 Receiver; Amp#2; Big Screen TV; VCR; DVD Player; Mic on straight stand#2; Big Speaker#2; Mic on straight stand#3
(Not Pictured) Six other Big Speakers; Tech Crew
Me standing up. Thats Angela sitting at the computer. She's like a female...that does tech...weird...
You can see all our weird cables running all over the place, and how big a mess it is. mmm...CDs, computer, amps, mixers, TV...fun.
Tech Crew
Jim's fists. Word. And Tiger. Whoa.
Conor fell asleep and stuff. Pussy. I was sick and I didn't go to sleep until around ten the next day.
Jimbo playing duck-hunt on and old school nintendo we ahd behind the TV. He got some ridiculous high score.
Yeah, thats right, we definetly ran a computer into the sound system.

Super Neat-O